Tuesday, October 01, 2013

EFV is dead and buried. MPC is delayed forever. ACV canceled?

Inside Defense has a slightly alarming, but pretty much expected story behind their paywall.

The Marine Corps is willing to offer up the ACV to keep the F-35.

Told ya so.  Everything coming out of HQMC was pure and utter bullshit.  Forgive me but rant time.  I wish the Commandant had simply said..We're not going to go forward with the ACV until we get the F-35 done.  Same with his false cancellation of the MPC.

I disagree with his position on the F-35.  He views the Marine Corps as being involved in combat against terrorist and responding to disaster etc...If he's right (and the rest of the JCS seem to disagree), then we need to upgrade our armor RIGHT NOW!  As things stand though we're going to have a high tech fighter that isn't useful for the type of combat that the Commandant sees the Marine Corps engaging in.

Solutions are available.  My recommendations?

1.  Single source a MPC buy.  Pick the vehicle you want and then get the best price possible and get it into service.
2.  Complete rebuilds of the AAV with massive upgrade.  I know a few companies are already working on this.  Cut them loose today.
3.  Rethink the requirements for the ACV.  If we don't need high water speed then consider a stripped down EFV.

Its time to get this done, the alternative is having Marines dying in the mud with Marine pilots flying overhead with a great view of the slaughter.  

NOTE:  Where are the asshats that kept trying to tell me that the F-35 wasn't responsible for killing the MPC, and delaying the ACV?  This plane is like an alien bursting thru the chest of its victim.  We might have given birth to this plane but its gonna kill us.


  1. Dont forget about the cancelled carriers and the planned decommissioning of the cruisers. And Obama said that the USA has never had so many....

  2. We do have to face the fiscal reality and devastating consequences of sequestration. If I am forced to choose between ACV and MPC, I still prefer ACV. A stripped down version EFV is the perfect candidate. Forget about MPC and AAV overhaul for the moment. Just focus on one thing at a time. I would also sacrifice force structure for the sake of modernization.


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